Sunday, 28 April 2013

Head Lice Myths

Head lice are one of the most commonly misunderstood topics today. There are several myths about head lice, some of them may have a thread of truth to them, but most are simply widespread misunderstandings.

- Head lice can jump from person to person: This is untrue; head lice cannot jump or fly. They spread through direct contact, or indirectly by means of personal items such as hat, combs, brushes etc.

- It is absolutely necessary to use a pesticide in my house to rid it of head lice: Though you can choose to do this if you want, it really is not necessary and not recommended. Head lice can only live for about 2 to 3 days when they are not on a human host. If there happens to be lice eggs on carpet or furniture, when they hatch they will have to feed within a short period of time or they will die. Vacuum the carpet and furniture, and then concentrate on bedding, clothes, combs, brushes and stuffed animals.

- You can treat a head lice infestation with petroleum jelly: Though a petroleum jelly may smother lice, it will not kill the nits, or lice eggs. In addition, it is very hard to remove it from the hair.

- It is necessary to shave the hair when treating for head lice: It is true that this will help to more easily treat for head lice, but it can be a traumatic experience, especially for children. Of course this is much more true for girls than boys, but a boy may not like his head shaved either. The better option is to treat the condition, and carefully remove all the nits with a specially designed nit removal comb.

- You can use gasoline or kerosene to kill head lice: CAUTION: This is not only an extremely ineffective means of trying to treat head lice; it also does not work. You should never use gasoline or kerosene on any part of the body as the fumes are combustible and may cause injury or death. Many children have been hurt or killed when parents try to use this form of treatment.

- Lice can transmit disease: Though head lice are an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition, it has few risks. The danger is in a rash or lacerations on the scalp due to scratching that may become infected.
- Clean people do not get head lice: This is completely untrue. Anyone can catch head lice, no matter how clean they are. In fact, head lice prefer a clean, healthy scalp, but it matters little to these tiny insects whose head they infest.

To properly combat head lice, you need to know the facts. Learn as much as you can about head lice infestation and you will be better prepared if one of your children comes home with these little pests.

Thomas T is the owner of
Lots of free info about Head Lice at .

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